Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sick, but Mostly Happy.

Despite waking up with the sore throat from you-know-where, I had to smile when I woke up this morning. My little girl was trying to get on the bed (which is freakishly tall, I have no idea why), and saying "up, Mama, up!". The really funny part was that she had my bra in her hand, and kept shoving at me, as if to say "get your lazy ass out of bed, put this thing on, and play with me!". I guess she's learning the importance of proper support at a young age.

After an hour of wedding speech writing (yes, that really is my current job), I felt like my head was going to explode. I swear, I catch every freaking bug known to mortal man. Anyway, I was sitting on the couch, feeling achy and self-indulgent, when my son plopped down next to me and snuggled. We watched "The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack", which I enjoy more than he does, and lounged for a bit. I can't tell you how amazing it is to see him being so affectionate. He's got a mild form of Autism, and the first couple of years of his life, he really resisted the lovin'. Thank heavens for the Early Intervention services! I feel really blessed to see him progressing, and as I reflected on that, I felt like life was pretty darn good, even if I am coming down with the flu.

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